Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter Hunt

We had the big egg hunt at our house and it was a blast! Here is some of the loot that the kiddos got!

Brooklyn loves being the little sister! Just ask her big sis!

We got to hang with Diva too!

Mommy was too busy doing other stuff and didn't get too many pics. Bummer lady...but I can guarantee we had are a few more pics...
Austin was the big Golden Egg winner! He may have thought he was too cool to hunt eggs...but he still found this sucker! Sophia found the little kid golden egg...but I don't guess I got a pic of that...sorry! But, she was too cute huntin' down that egg! (Oh, and see that UGLY fence...we are replacing that this weekend...if the weather works in our favor...wish us luck!)

Here are Katie and Sophia doing a little hunting...

Katie and Anna showing off their new flip flops...they are all about the Princess and the Frog.

And, here is my pretty Brooklyn...she didn't do much hunting. But, she did enjoy being carried EVERYWHERE!!!

Katie felt like she had to strike a pose in every this was the best I got...oh well!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

The Bunny came!

Wow...we admit...this is a little much. But, it is better than a bunch of little junky stuff that will be thrown away...

Brooklyn loves the Bunny!

Color Girl!

Katie had so much fun dying eggs...she got all hands on for sure!

Brooklyn tried to help...if you call licking the eggs "helping"
These are a few of the pretty eggs we made!

Taa-daaaaaa! And, this was just our first dying activity of the year!

Oh, and here are the 235 eggs that Mommy filled with candy for the big egg hunt!

A Day at the Park

One day during Spring Break we headed out with intentions to go to the zoo...well, that was a dumb idea. Everyone else in the city had the same we went to a park and had just as much, if not more, fun!

Check out Brooklyn's smile...she is having a blast!

This girl loves to swing!

And, I cannot tell you how big my baby, Katie, is getting. She played with every kid she could find...and then invited them to her party. What party? you ask. I have no clue! But, it is Dora themed!
She really had so much fun...the zoo would have been miserably crowded...the park was awesome!

First Beach Trip of the Year

Luckily it was warm enough over Spring Break to enjoy the beach! We even got our feet a little sandy!

Brooklyn likes the beach...whew!

And, leave it to Katie to brave the sort of chilly water...

Brooklyn likes long walks on the beach...

Looking forward to MANY beach trips this spring and summer!

St. Pat's at the Beach

Brooklyn got to enjoy her first St. Pat's parade at the beach...and she loved it! Here she is chillin' on the golf cart...

And, here she is watching the parade with Daddy...

And, cheesin' it up with Katie...

Oh, and here's Katie getting ready to throw candy and beads in the parade...she is so festive!

I had so much fun at my first St. Pat's weekend!

Rodeo Again!

We headed out to the Rodeo one more time and it was St. Patrick's we wore our green attire! Katie LOVED the show and sang and danced until we convinced her that it was time to go out and ride a few more rides (to get rid of all of those ride tickets that were burning in our pockets!)

Katie loves rides...especially the coasters. She is suck a daredevil!

We call this picture "Ahhhhh!"

Katie spilled on her over shirt so she had to go around in this one for a while. I just think she looks a little like Sissy from Urban should see her full length photo...seriously...I almost bought her a Sissy license plate for the stroller!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


I don't know if anyone is even still checking this blog...but updates are coming! I hope to have them up by tomorrow. There will be plenty to see...believe me!