Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Bye, Bye, Bye!

We finally got the news we have been waiting many months to receive...Kaitlyn no longer has to wear her heart monitor! We have known for a while that she probably didn't need to be wearing the monitor...but the doctors wanted to be overly cautious. So, when Kaitlyn started rolling to her stomach in her sleep, we became very concerned about cords and tangling and all that jazz. It is rare that babies wear the monitors this long...but we are SURE now that her heart and breathing are normal. Woohoo! Kaitlyn had a very good nights sleep last cords, no sticky pads stuck to her chest, no loud ringing sound when she turned over...we all had a good nights sleep last night!

1 comment:

Byman said...

That is awesome. Congrats.