Monday, November 26, 2007
Pretty Bunny!

A Boy is Coming!

Here is Aunt Tammy waiting to pounce on those gifts! (By the way...it is Tamara to anyone who is not a niece or nephew...that includes my Mommy!)

Texas got Gigged

Hey Anna, what did you think of that game? I guess you loved it...well, not me!
This is my "what the heck happened" look...
This is Anna's "what did you expect?" look...
Well, the good thing about this game is that I got to hang with my Uncle Jeff who lives in Dallas. It was so good to see he and Aunt Tammy. I cannot wait until Nicholas comes in February so that we can go meet him and I no longer have to talk to him through Aunt Tammy's belly button!
Gobble, Gobble!

Chillin' at Mimi's house waiting for the food...
A little post-dinner play time with my cousins Dani and Anna...
Here's an early shot of my 1st black eye. I fell and hit my face during a fun play romp...but I bounced right back. Don't mind the knife in Jordy's hands...that was taken care of very shortly after this picture. Imagine mommies running and lots of no, no, no's.
Update SOON!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Movie Mess!
Daddy was SO happy...let me tell you...

Hmmm...she decided to check out the horror section...not good for little babies!
Get me out of here! I have some Baby Einsteins in the other room...those are much more Katie Friendly!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
14 Months
Here is silly Katie playing with her diapers (Mommy says "no", so they are her new fave...in addition to the toilet paper in the bathroon!)

And, here is our Katie rooting on Jimmie Johnson (NASCAR) on her 14 month b-day...thanks for the shirt Great Uncle Ric...guess it worked...Jimmie will most likely win the championship after today's race!

Don't worry out there...the drink is not open. She hasn't learned that trick yet.

This is how Mommy and Daddy do it...what is so good about this?
I'm still getting nothing!!
She tried almost every can trying to get SOMETHING to come out...she eventually gave up and picked up her sippy cup. But, left this mess behind!
Driving...Britney Style!

Here I am driving. This reminded my Mommy of a picture in People Magazine showing Britney Spears driving with her son on her lap...I was just trying it out.
And then, I realized that it was not the best idea...so my baby went in the back...where she should be. Guess I am smarter than some pop singer! Sorry Britney fans...she has just lost her way!
You are DRIVING me crazy!!!!! (Can you tell my goofy Mommy wrote that one!)
Off I go...and don't mind my baby under the wheel...she is just fine!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Season's End!
Anyway...no more middle school sports until the Spring when Scott starts coaching baseball. (They tried to rope him into basketball because our coach is very sick...but they were able to find another coach...much to our relief!) Thanks for enduring all our fun JMS updates!