Sunday, November 11, 2007

14 Months

Katie is 14 months old today and growing in every way with each day that passes. She is walking all over now and talks like crazy. She has 9 teeth...which she puts to use when she eats everything! Her personality is really starting to show and we realize each day how blessed we are to have her in our lives. Katie is super silly, funny, head strong, and smart. She loves to play with Bewi (Berit) and take baths at "ba ti" (bath time). She says bye-bye and blows kisses using a fist and a loud "mwa". She says outside, juice, milk, hi, and much more. I am especially happy to have her consistently walking because she can wear all of her pretty dresses. She used to get so frustrated when she would crawl up in her she doesn't have that problem!

Here is silly Katie playing with her diapers (Mommy says "no", so they are her new addition to the toilet paper in the bathroon!)

And, here is our Katie rooting on Jimmie Johnson (NASCAR) on her 14 month b-day...thanks for the shirt Great Uncle Ric...guess it worked...Jimmie will most likely win the championship after today's race!

1 comment:

mandy said...

she is sooooo cute!!! i love her cupcake shoes...anna has a pair too.