Monday, May 11, 2009

Updates: Katie, Brooklyn, Whatever Else....

We have been pretty busy around the Aust House...but nothing too photo worthy. So, here is just a quick update...

Katie: Same old crazy kid. Finally getting over the scared of the dark business that kept her up for about a week...which in turn kept us up. Blah! She is getting excited/nervous about the new addition...she loves to play with the baby clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles...but she is also getting a little clingy. She will be fine, but it is going to be a serious change for her! We are working on it. She loves to show people "baby sisser" and she loves to kiss and hug "Brookin, in Mommy tummy" least she is positive at this point. We'll see. She also showered her Mommy with love on Mother's Day. She picked out some flip flops and a bracelet for me...all on her own. Interesting combo...but I love them both. This girl can shop! We had a great day, I am so lucky!

Brooklyn: Growing! At our ultrasound last week she weighed in just over 4 lbs. She is perfect! So far everything is looking really good. Our plan is to induce on June 11...but we will see about that. (By the way...that is 1 month from close!) Her room is very close to being done and her hand-me-downs have been washed and folded. We just need to get a few more things out of storage and we are ready to soon as she is ready. We are getting excited to meet her!

Us: TAKS testing is over! We had our annual end of TAKS party, which was too fun. I was too hot and tired to take no fun pics to share...sorry! But, we are on the downside of the year...12 days with one is counting though! Ready for all that the summer has for us. Other than the counting down, we are trying to enjoy our last few weeks with one child...before we are blessed with #2!

That's it. Don't know much else. Check back soon for pics...there are sure to be some in the very near future!

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