Thursday, November 19, 2009

5 Months and Such...

Well...I am behind again. Brooklyn turned 5 months on the 11th of November and I still haven't updated. I have tons to add and will start that soon...I promise! Basically, Brooklyn is growing and doing all sorts of amazing things every day. She is rolling over, trying to sit up, and she scootches around her play mat. She loves to dance...seriously...she dances to music! She is super happy and loves her food. Her favorites are apples, pears, bananas and carrots. She will deal with peas...but it is much more work for all involved. I love every second of her life...she is such a loveable little rolly polly! She and Katie are best buds. Katie talks to her in the car and says things like "Hey girl, we are almost home." Or "Hey girl, you want me to dance for you?" Most things start with "Hey girl" or "Hey Brookly" (this is Katie's nick name for her) is too cute! If Katie is in the room, you can bet that Brooklyn is looking at her...and SMILING!

They are both such a blessing...I promise to add pictures soon. We have been busy!

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