Yet another food picture! Mommy and Daddy gave me the opportunity to practice my spoon skills. Here I am with one of my favs...refried beans! Don't worry about my tummy...not many beans made it that far. But, I sure had fun with this! And, Mommy and Daddy go to eat their chalupas!
This is really bad...but something about this picture reminds me of Hilter. The beans on the upper lip and the hand in the air...what a bad Mommy I am!
i definitely see the hitler thing. too crazy! you guys are way braver than us...i can't let go of the spoon just yet...i can't handle the mess!!
You are brave with the spoon. Luke does so much damage with his hands I am worried about utensils. Right now, we stick to the caveman ways!
P.S.- I love how blue her eyes are! So pretty!
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