Sunday, December 16, 2007


Mommy and Daddy took me to see Santa today. I was so excited...I can say "ho, ho" and "Santa." This first picture is of me waiting so patiently to see Santa. We had to wait an hour and a half and Mommy says that I was so good! I never even got impatient...I'm telling you, I wanted to see Santa. Mimi keeps singing some song about watching out, not crying or I am doing my best!

This is how I acted when they put me on Santa's lap and didn't let me have that toy thing they were using to bribe me into smiling! I like's that mean lady who was teasing me with that monkey puppet!

See...I do like Santa! This is the picture from our cd...the copy that we have printed out does not include that mean lady's head!

Because I was so good, Mommy and Daddy let me eat this cookie. This is what I call "no hands" eating! Yuck!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Jennifer Blessington. Katertot, I cannot believe your parents are letting you say Ho Ho Ho! Don't you know you should be saying Ha Ha Ha!

It's much more PC.

Hee Hee Hee! :-)

Those pictures with Santa are SO CUTE!