Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Team
Sunday, January 27, 2008
It's that time again!!!
Here we are...love to break out the good ol cowboy hats!!!!
Good try Vickie...I cannot be fooled when you are trying to take a NASTY candid pic.
Me and my sis!
Tara and John...hamming it up!
Mimi and Gaga cuttin' a rug...so cute!
And, the final product...a HUGE beer-amyd! (Just a side note: we stole some of these cans from other tables so that we could finish it...we are not THAT bad!)
And, here are some of us with Rick Trevino in front of our creation. He walked away from his autograph line to check out the beer-amyd and pose for a picture with us. Nice guy and great singer! We had such a fun time this year...can't wait for rodeo!!!
By the way...as we were walking out the door...our beer-amyd took a dive...so sad!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Stinky Sock!
A Good Cause!
Is it really January?
Enough pictures...let's go!
I have gotten to the point where I REFUSE to hold hands...which is apparently not what Mommy and Daddy prefer. Guess it just solidifies the fact that I am a little independent. Mommy says that everyone already knew that the day that I was born...what is that supposed to mean?!?!?
Chug It!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A Couple Random Pics
This picture was taken on Dani's birthday at Joe's Crab Shack. These are Katie's Houston cousins. The cousin number is growing...2 on the way, 2 who, unfortunately, live in Kerrville and 1 who, also unfortunately, lives in Miami.
From left, Jack, Anna, Dani, Katie and Austin....what a crew!
Friday, January 11, 2008
16 Months
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Welcome 2008!
Happy New Year from Katie!
It hit Katie like a ton of bricks once we got home from all of our travels...she needed to catch up...and I don't mean on eating!
Here they are getting wet! The rule is that you must get entirely wet...and then you can retreat.
By the way...my Mommy and Daddy are not in this picture...they are taking the picture. They aren't CRAZY!
New Year's Eve At the Beach
I got a little tired of driving...
Let's take a walk!
Daddy and Matt tried to keep a low profile...their wives were acting crazy enough!
Keely, on the other hand, showed off her high kicks! She was too good!
And, I act like I saw it all! But, I really crashed in the car on the way to the party and slept on a lower bunk until it was time to jet. But, I heard the party was fun!
What's Cookin' in the Kitchen?
Christmas at the Ranch
Then it was time for presents! This phone is so cool and I am not even paying attention to the gift that Daddy is helping me unwrap.
Winnie the Pooh is cool too. He tells The Night Before Christmas story and rocks in his chair!
But, this horse is the best! It moves and snorts and makes cool horsey noises...I love it!
I spent a lot of time sitting at this big girl table. I played here, ate here, watched football with my Daddy here. It was so fun! Mommy and Daddy went out and bought me a table at Ikea as soon as we got back to Houston.
I had so much fun running around in my diaper and slippers! Man...hanging out in the country is FUN!
But, swinging is nice!
Nana set up a Winter Wonderland in her front yard....it was awesome! She has tons of land and a huge front yard...so it was like walking through a park. There were more than 10 blow-ups, lights, Christmas trees and more....here is a cool pic of the fun. All of the other pictures did it little justice!
Christmas Day: A Very Busy Day!
Here is Gringo helping me open a very fun gift...
I love this little frog! He kept me busy for at least an hour of our road trip!
And this bear...well, he was cute...but he needed a body slam to wipe that grin off of his face! Christmas Spirit!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I Must Have Been A Good Girl!!!
In addition to some awesome toys and clothes...I got a 4-wheeler, a kitchen, and a slide...well, the slide is actually my gift from Mimi and Gaga...but Mommy and Daddy had it assembled and ready for play along with the Santa loot!
This is my first peek at the new toys! I might just have to put this milk down!
Let's go Daddy! I LOVE to slide!
This 4-wheeler is awesome! I am going to have to tear up the back yard!
Man...there's more!?!? This kitchen is neat...I'll bet it took Santa hours to put this sucker together!!!! :)