Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Baby #2 Update

We visited with Dr. Rowe, our amazing high risk specialist, today and got to see our little baby #2 moving and kicking and waving! The baby is doing really well and is on the bigger side of things...thank goodness! Baby (as we will call him/her) shows no signs of defects and all looks healthy and great! (Thin nuchal fold and well formed nose...for those who know what that means!) We do have an idea as to the gender of our little Baby, but until we are 100% certain, I will not be posting that information. The doctor is about 80% sure...but even he was kind of curious as to what we will see next time. Remember, we are only 12 weeks and a couple of days...so it is VERY early. I promise to let you know what we see at our January 13 appointment. I have a feeling we will be 100% sure at that point! I thought I saw one thing, Scott saw something else, and Dr. Rowe was just as puzzled as we were. We will see! Either way...we are just happy that the baby seems to be in great health...and I am in good health as well. I did get some other good news...I am down to one shot per day! Upped the dosage...but only once per day! Woohoo! I have to tell you that my stomach looks like a punching bag...so I am excited for the break!

I have some ultrasound pictures to post...but my scanner is not working at this time...so those will come later. Pretty much normal baby profile, cute little feet, hands on the face kind of stuff!


amy kate said...

You can go ahead and email me personally about what you think it is, and I won't tell a soul....

mandy said...

when we were pregnant with daphne our perinatalogist said she was a boy at 12 wks. four weeks later he said girl...he stuck with that one till the end. can't wait to here who baby is!! we continue to pray for a hedge of protection to be around you and baby. take care!