Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Fun in the Rain
What did you say, Mommy? Lunch is ready? Bye bye rain!
Chuck & Dani
Here we are waiting for our pizza!
And, here I am driving the only Chuck that I would even dare come in contact with...
See what happens when that big furry RAT walks by when I am trying to enjoy a nice ride on the carousel! Man...he sure did ruin that ride for me!
And, here we are playing a game that I really mastered. All you do is push that big button...I won us over 100 tickets on this game alone...I really had the touch. So, for those of you who play the lottery...I guess I could help you out...for a small fee!
A Day at the Beach
Here's Katie heading out to the water...we were constantly running after her!
Here's Katie's Nemo kite...she was pretty uninterested...but we kept it up most of the day just in case...
This is a little girl that Katie met on the beach. They played and played...and we were definitely grateful for little Wendy's distraction...we got to run after Katie a little less...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Oh...and 22 months!
Some of the Loot
Here's Katie posing with her loot and trying to get into her Shamu lunch box...
And kissing her Shamu...
Here we are waiting for the park to is going to be a LONG day!
Katie's Nana and her cousins, Ally and Haley, came from Fredericksburg and met us at Sea World. This definitely made the trip even more fun! Here they are heading to see the horses.
We watched quite a few shows...and this one had the main person...SHAMU! I loved watching him...but I didn't quite want to take a picture with him. I guess I am not really into animal suits! So, Mommy helped me in the picture...but check out my lip...I was still not thrilled!
I even got to play in water and swim...but Mommy dropped the ball and didn't pack a swimsuit. So...I played in my onesie and Little Swimmer...nothing was going to stop me! Haley is in the blue suit...I am in the pink onesie and Ally is way in the back in the pink bikini...
Then Nana took me on this cool went WAY up high and dropped and bounced...I LOVED IT!!!! Mommy and Daddy were not quite sure, but Nana proved them wrong! I cried for like 15 minutes when I had to get off. Then...I fell asleep...guess I was a little tired.
Monday, July 14, 2008
I helped Daddy feed the dolphins...they were so cute!
Here we are waiting on the dolphins to come over so that I could pet them. is the man/woman (?) of the day...SHAMU!!! By the way...did you know that there are like 5 Shamus? Who knew! I am in my happiest hour...Shamu and Cheetos...Heaven!
San Antonio Missions
And then Mommy took me to the grass in the outfield while Daddy spent some quality time watching from the seats. I like it out here!
Here I am posing with my big finger...and the starting line-up. Kind of hokey, Mommy!
This field also has a playground...woohoo!
So, I loved watching this puppy. Mommy thought a picture might be good and so did I...until the crazy puppy jumped over the rail to come see me. Let's just say that I FREAKED OUT!!! I started yelling "no puppy, no puppy"...all of the Air Force men and women who were sitting in the section loved it and once again...I had the audience that I, no need to fear...I was happy again.
El Mercado
We even stopped and ate at one of Mommy and Daddy's favorite SA restaurants...La Margaritas...yummy! Notice the salsa ring around my that stuff! was back to the hotel for a little nap before another baseball game!
Quick Stop in Austin
Here's Katie hanging out in front of the bell tower... she is with her daddy, the UT fan...obviously!
We actually stopped in Austin to attend a Roundrock Express baseball game. The Express are a minor league team that feeds to the Astros...our favorite, of course! We got tickets in the outfield which was the best idea ever! If you have NEED to go to a minor league game. They are SO family oriented and have so much for the kiddos. The Dell Diamond has a playground (with tons of stuff for all ages) and they even have a pool! It was great! Katie loved the game...she thinks all baseball teams are the she yelled "Go Asros!" all night long. She had some fans of her own...and she even made it on the jumbo-tron!
This is the screen that Katie was dancing on...I didn't get a picture...I tried!
Baby even made the trip to the game...she was not as impressed...especially once Katie ditched her for her new friends...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Sophia Update
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
When we got home...
I helped Berit eat her treat...well...her feet were hurting!
And...I was ready to go back to the I wore my life jacket. Mommy and Daddy didn't fall for it...darn!
Prayer Request
More Bay Fun cousin Anna is a little more neat...
This is my new Elmo bubble maker...I love this guy!
We were worn out! This pallet was comfy! Thanks Mimi!
This sign says it all!
4th of July
Here we are enjoying some yummy pops...
The fireworks were all around! There were like 20 firework shows going on all around...not including the amazing show that my daddy put on...I loved the fireworks!
We had to move up to the house when Daddy started his show...he uses the deck for launching...and it gets pretty loud out there. These are some of the people that enjoyed Daddy's fireworks: Gaga, Jency, Mimi, Anna, Aunt Vickie, Me and Great Aunt Phi Phi...(notice Mimi covering Anna's funny!)
Look at that Gaga!
More looking, my neck was sore after all of that! Aunt Vickie put me to sleep to the sound of the fireworks...I just couldn't make it to the end!