Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bay Time

After a long TAKS week for Mommy and Daddy...they had a party for the faculty at our house. I had lots of fun and got to play with my friends Wyatt and Lily. But, Mommy was so busy unwinding that she didn't get a chance to take pictures. Bum Lady! But, to unwind from the post-TAKS party, we headed down to Mimi and Gaga's bay house. I was a wonderful baby (as usual) and we had no choice but to relax and enjoy the beautiful weekend.

Here I am in my walker...I wish you could see my "bay hair" a little better. With all of the humidity and wind it was sticking straight up! It was funny!

Mommy and Daddy were in such a hurry to get out of town that we left without A LOT of stuff...my bed (big one), my medicine (what?!?!), and my bibs! When eating carrots a bib is a MUST. So, Mimi improvised and gave me this towel bandana type device. It worked! Thanks Mom! (I am learning sarcasm early)

Yep, the jumper made the trip. Forget the bed...don't forget the jumper!

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