Monday, April 16, 2007

From Ear to Eternity!

Well, Kaitlyn's ear woes continue! She started running a fever Saturday afternoon...and she was a super grouch all weekend! We knew that she must not feel good because she is such a joy to be around most days. She refused to be put down and wanted to cuddle and sleep all weekend. Then I saw the dreaded fluid running out of her ear and knew that she should probably see the dr. today. As was expected, her eardrum has burst and she is now on the healing end of it all. At least the pressure is subsided and her pain is extremely reduced. And, we are now back on antibiotics and drops. The fever is gone and she is smiling again! Hopefully it all heals up and we will be back in business by the end of the week. Like TAKS week for a reading and special ed teacher in middle school isn't hard enough?!?! Can anyone say "ear tubes"?

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