Friday, August 03, 2007

On the Road Again

From Lubbock we headed home! A long 9 hour drive! Because of that, Mommy and Daddy decided to turn my seat around...just for the ride home. It was the only way that we could get it done in a timely manner. I loved facing forward...too bad they have already turned my seat back around. They say I have to wait another 6 weeks or so! Bummer!

Have you seen these things? Mommy said that she saw tons of them outside of Palm Springs, CA, but she has never seen them in West Texas before! Well, they are everywhere off of W84. Kind of changes the whole landscape.

Spidey and I took a little nap during the long trip...which also gave Mommy and Daddy a little break too!

Berit was ready to get out of the car too!

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