Thursday, June 26, 2008
BREAKING NEWS: Babies, Babies!!!
And...then the newest Strauss girl joined the family at 9:12am...Sophia Peyton Strauss...daughter to Julie and Peyton (my brother) and little sis to Anna!!!! Katie calls her...weighed in at 7lbs. 7 oz. and 20 inches long. We got to see the beautiful little sweetie last night...but I didn't take my camera. But, I will post pics as soon as her parents give me the go ahead....and as soon as I take some! I love June 25th was a great day! Oh...and all baby girls and their mommy's are doing great.
By the way, for those of you who are, we are not ready for our next one would not believe how many people have asked me that question!!! Don't will happen...just not yet! I really have to be prepared for pregnancies...they are not the easiest 9 months for my body. So, be patient...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Katie Got Hosed!
This is FUN!!!!
I LOVE my cousin!!!!
We even took a minute to "cheese" for the camera!
Welcome Zoe!
Me and My Panties!
Here I am hanging with my panties and boots...yep...still love the boots too!
Here I am sporting some of my Elmo cool!
So, long story are coming!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Few Prayer Requests!
Mandy and Ramey Newman (and the rest of the Newman family) have been through so much this week. Mandy delivered Ramey last Thursday. It was a VERY complicated delivery that landed Mandy and Ramey in their respective ICUs. Mandy is recovering at home now...but Ramey continues to fight her battles in the NICU. Please keep them in your that they can both make full and speedy recoveries. Not to mention Mandy's husband, Ross, and their three other children, Henry, Daphne and Anna, who are a little confused about what is happening. (Mandy's blog is on the sidebar if you would like to post to her or read their story.)
Star Sligar (daughter to Jason and Holly Sligar) had heart surgery earlier this week and is recovering. Star was born in January and has been waiting to get big and strong enough for this surgery. Please keep them in your that Star can make a full and speedy recovery and so that Jason and Holly can keep their strength for their beautiful little girl.
Amy Estrada's (Miller) niece had lung surgery earlier this week and is recovering. All in all it went well...but she still has a long road ahead. Please keep her in your thoughts for a full and speedy recovery.
On top of all of this there are so many others out there that I am thinking of right now: Ashlee and Joe Barnett are expecting Preslee Ann any day now! Pete and Julie Strauss are expecting another niece for me any day now (Sophia Payton), my Aunt Barb is finally home from the hospital (it has been MONTHS) and she is learning to live on her own again, our family is still grieving over the loss of our Badger, and my friend Delayne is having yet another surgery (I think this is #8!)
So, if you have time...please lift these families up or at least think about them as you continue on with your day. Thank you!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Potty Time!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
Badger Update
Thursday, June 12, 2008
21 Months!
Mommy and Daddy caught me wearing this outfit the other evening. Mommy left her shoes and socks out after her after my bath I put them on and walked into the living room. I put them on all by myself...too funny! By the way, those are ankle socks on Mommy!
Mommy wrapped me in my towel after bathtime tonight. I refused to let her take the towel off. So, I put on her shoes and played like this until she got paranoid about the no diaper situation.
Then, once the Elmo pjs were on (of course!) I put more of those nasty socks on! Mommy needs to put those in the hamper after her walks...don't you think!!!!
Aust Reunion 2008
Katie and Mommy had fun swimming and sharing sunglasses (you can't see it in this picture, but Katie is wearing my sunglasses). She loves to swim and to wear "mommy gasses" she was doing just fine!
Here are Katie and Daddy hanging under the big water mushroom. Oh...and she refused to take off her baseball cap...she must be our daughter after all!
Gringo baught this Gazillion Bubble Maker machine and it was the hit of the reunion. Katie loved saying "bye-bye bubbles" and popping them. Kept her pretty busy! (Notice Elmo in her hands...she has a slight OBSESSION with Elmo right now.)
Katie and Carly were BFFs this weekend. (Carly is Scott's cousin Fran's daughter). Carly was such a good sport...she watched Elmo's World about 7 million times!
Katie even conned Aunt Gail in to taking her for a walk by the river...I think they both kind of enjoyed it though!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Our Sweet Great-Grandma (Badger)
This is a picture of Katie and Scott's great grandmother, Badger, taken when Katie was about 4 weeks old. (That makes Badger Katie's great-GREAT grandmother!) We have been so lucky to have her in our lives...she is extra special! Much to our great sadness, Badger is preparing to make her way to Heaven. We were lucky enough to have advance notice so that we could go spend time with her on Sunday. She is still with us and we assume she is preparing herself for a great voyage to be with her loved ones. I am posting this to ask those of you who are willing to please pray that Badger's transition be peaceful for her and her loved ones (there are so many of us out there.)
I had planned on meeting my friend Allison's new baby on Sunday, and thought it pretty bitter sweet to miss meeting this new say goodbye to such a wonderful woman. Badger loves babies and would have much rather me be holding Davis than holding her hand. But, as I said, Scott and I felt very lucky to have the opportunity to say our goodbyes. I am sure that I will post sometime in the near future that your prayers have helped...I just ask again that you also pray extra hard for her family, especially Darlene (Diva) and Audrey (G.G)...they have been such great support for Badger, in these really tough days.
Go Bearkats!
Here's the coach making one of his MANY trips to the mound to calm down his pitcher.
And, here's Katie sporting her Bearkat orange! She loves "ball"!
Fun With Friends
And, here I am stealing the soccer ball.
Lily and I are learning how to hula hoop...Lily is trying the more difficult neck move...while I am mastering the around-the-waist move!