Friday, June 20, 2008

Few Prayer Requests!

We have a few people out there who could use some thoughts and prayers right now...

Mandy and Ramey Newman (and the rest of the Newman family) have been through so much this week. Mandy delivered Ramey last Thursday. It was a VERY complicated delivery that landed Mandy and Ramey in their respective ICUs. Mandy is recovering at home now...but Ramey continues to fight her battles in the NICU. Please keep them in your that they can both make full and speedy recoveries. Not to mention Mandy's husband, Ross, and their three other children, Henry, Daphne and Anna, who are a little confused about what is happening. (Mandy's blog is on the sidebar if you would like to post to her or read their story.)

Star Sligar (daughter to Jason and Holly Sligar) had heart surgery earlier this week and is recovering. Star was born in January and has been waiting to get big and strong enough for this surgery. Please keep them in your that Star can make a full and speedy recovery and so that Jason and Holly can keep their strength for their beautiful little girl.

Amy Estrada's (Miller) niece had lung surgery earlier this week and is recovering. All in all it went well...but she still has a long road ahead. Please keep her in your thoughts for a full and speedy recovery.

On top of all of this there are so many others out there that I am thinking of right now: Ashlee and Joe Barnett are expecting Preslee Ann any day now! Pete and Julie Strauss are expecting another niece for me any day now (Sophia Payton), my Aunt Barb is finally home from the hospital (it has been MONTHS) and she is learning to live on her own again, our family is still grieving over the loss of our Badger, and my friend Delayne is having yet another surgery (I think this is #8!)

So, if you have time...please lift these families up or at least think about them as you continue on with your day. Thank you!

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